As a new Nana I’m taking on board your new stylish necklace for my Sophie

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Yay, I’ve missed insta babble

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Bravo. You are back 🙏

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I stopped using social, & so much of the internet, around Feb so I am happy to see your Insta babbles here.

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Only recently did I read about a link between autism and accents. Possibly explains why I've been told I sound somewhat "English", despite me being in Oz all my life and have never lived with anyone from England. (Until recently, I figured it was because I've tried to speak "properly" to disguise a speech impediment.)

I own and wear two onesies, by the way. Both galaxy-print. One is a "sleep suit", and the other I wear during the day with a big fluffy hoodie over it - great indoor winter wear :-)

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