I have a house full of Swifties and yet have never heard that song. I too have my own journey - too many miscarriages and more in a similar era … it was beautiful- thank you for sharing. And it made me dig out your book and read that chapter again - sometimes, even after nearly 20 years later - it’s nice to know I wasn’t the only one feeling that way.

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First up, Mia - what a great Babble/Sexy 6 this was (it took me a while to watch/listen/read as I chose to do this while Dancin with the Stars was on 😅.

Funny thing - I thought Mia had had a few too many energy drinks before videoing Babble as she was talking at a rapid rate, but realised I had the video on 1.5x 🙄🤣. I changed back to 1.0x and restarted the video.

I would love to know where you got your “pink sparkly gem” choker necklace from (if possible). Thank you 🌸

Keep up the great Babbling, Mia. It’s wonderful !!! Gave a great week.

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Hi Mia

Loved the skin barrier recommendations and quickly went out and bought them. Was just wondering in what order do you use them in please


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Same on the skin barrier thing, I used to use Vit c, then menopause. Now Vit c makes more skin burn. Hard. Did I remember that before I enthusiastically applied Vit c last week. Nope. Because, menopause 😅 cheers to cicaplast 👏

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I just love love this newsletter and the sexy 6!

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I love the rainbow bookcase...but was brought up that rainbow order strictly starts with red. So I am having trouble with yours. Hahaha.

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Sexy #7. That eyeshadow/liner!! Would love info about where I can get some?!

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