Love love love this is not on Insta. I’m 67 so maybe a bit old school but the way meta etc use algorithms does my head in. In SO many ways!! It’s toxic. Promotes aggression, polarises communities, both local and world wide. When my kids were in high school FB was in its infancy and was essentially true to Mz’s initial intentions, a way for people to connect. Money has corrupted that. I so worrry about my grand children growing up in a world where your bedroom is not a safe place. All hail Wippa!

Let’s not talk about America and their politics. And how that could affect us all. Very scary.

But those are probably not the sort of comments you are looking for. I love that you have found a way to bypass the almighty socials. Please keep it up. Love it!!

PS who needs negativity?? Really? Too many sad people out there that get their kicks from viciously bagging others

You keep doing you. Love it.

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I would love it if you could include what brand and name of the make up you’re using as you apply it please 🙏

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Yes! Especially that lip pencil Mia

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I recognise the lip pencil as I am obsessed with the brand and the person being the brand. Hilary Holmes from Holme Beauty. She is a Melbourne small business owner that is brilliant to follow.

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Anyone know the eyebrow pencil? Ta xx

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Yes!Especially that green eye pencil please.

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Oh I will miss your babbles on the gram. There is so much crap on my feed so I loved your babbles when they popped up. A breath of fresh air. But I get it. Haters gonna hate but you don’t need to see it or read it. Love this for you. Safe space. Onward and upward ♥️

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Love having your babble in my inbox! What a beautiful treat to discover this morning that you now will pop in as my fave ex-Instagram friend! I missed your babble since I quit Insta 12 months ago and am thrilled to have you in a more intimate space, this elevated my day, thank you Mia for being your beautiful brilliant authentic self and sharing your time with us🎉👏🙋‍♀️🎊👯‍♀️❤️

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1+ vote of having babble on substack. Also Ayo has been killing it in a fashion game. That vest is insane.

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About 20 years ago, the NYT said the best business book of the year was “Integrity” by Henry Cloud. Easy to read and life-changing.

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Sadly Instagram has become an extremely disappointing platform

Go girl I love this new format🩵

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I'm really happy that The Sexy Six is back - it was the mechanism that got me into Mamamia to begin with and I've missed it. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the babbles. The unstructured nature and 'themelessness' of them doesn't work for me (but I'm Type A and very very busy). Putting babbles in newsletters works for me so I can skip past them; equally bringing back The Sexy Six in any form works for me too! Above all else, I love recommendations.

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Love a good newsletter. There are so many things I come across in life and think "oh Mia might like that, or Taylor Swift and Prince William with kids, selfie" Mia and Holly - those 2 worlds crossing!!

Being a subscriber gives me access to so much. I am a teacher, so sometimes my brain is overloaded and I can't listen. So reading your newsletter is wonderful

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Love your Babble wherever it pops up - your thoughts and musings are always so fresh and authentic xxxx

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I also love that I can see the length of the video. When MMOL spoke about people leaving voice notes, I feel the same about reels. I can’t see the length of reels to know what the time commitment is, or jump forward and back. This format is much better!

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Happy to be here vs. IG! Build it and we will come (sharing with my friends now)!

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Lencioni’s work is so clever - and the 5 Dysfunctions the best foundation for most things team related.

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Absolutely loved the video, was fascinated by you doing your hairline and really enjoyed watching you put on your make-up. Funny how we can do the same thing in a different way and I got lots of tips - I hate putting make up on!!

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It's amazing that you have "strong opinions, loosely held". It's one of my favourite things about you. Right after 7 October, you sent a newsletter about how unsafe you potentially feel in the world as a Jewish person. On the podcast, you stated that the war began on 7 October, and this was a fact for you, and you also mention that Hamas are the bad people in this video. I hope it's clearer to you now, that the war was well and truly raging for Palestinian people WAY BEFORE 7 October, and the number of Palestinian 'hostages/ illegally detained prisoners' far outweighs the hostages taken on 7 October. If the occupying state was not so corrupt with its apartheid military regime, Hamas would not need to exist. The IDF militia are also the "bad guys" as they document their genocide and war crimes with bravado, pride and no consequences. So, if you're going to speak about compassion for both sides, it would be great for you to discuss accountability for both sides as well.

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Fantastic, love it! Thank you :-)

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