This reflection made me laugh so hard - well done on the rebuttal. Those sad and pathetic nitpickers. I for one am SO over people criticising Mia at every turn on the Outlouder group. Why are they so vitriolic? ? Because she is successful and beautiful and incredibly smart. It really makes me so FURIOUS!!

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So glad you can laugh it off, it's so absurd, the utter self-righteous piety of "well meaning" strangers tutt-tutting on the internet. You almost have to feel sorry for people who are so insecure that they have to feed their egos by parading their apparently perfect parenting! You are very polite to not tell them to FUCK RIGHT OFF! 😂

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Of all the offensive things said it was calling that painting a Monet that sent me over the edge 🙄

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Oh my goodness!

I saw the video and laughed so much because you two reminded me of the Fairy Godmothers in Sleeping Beauty who absolutely adored Aurora and were tasked with keeping her happy and safe at all costs.

All I saw was the love so many people have for that little girl, it just warmed my heart so much.

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Omg... All I saw was two Wonderful Wise Women loving & looking after a very lucky baby ❤️

You'd think in these times of global conflict & devastation - & the real problems so many people are facing - that these critics might have perpective/better things to do than criticise two awesome (& incredibly successful) women.

I wonder if it had been two men in this video whether there would have been backlash...or rather, praise for their involvement 🤔...a more likely scenario.

Keep keeping on exactly as you are, Wonderful Wise Women!! x

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OMG this is hysterical, and your Monet TV/Painting just topped it off

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I'm so glad you wrote about this. I rolled my eyes at the time with the comments- you are very kind but we all know what that was. While I rolled my eyes I thought of the number of my friends with children who were trolled by mean people, who sought power and self righteousness by making anonymous complaints to Instagram or spiteful damaging comments and bewildered and hurt loving mums doing their level best and sharing their pride and joy. Instagram is the medieval town square, the whisperers on market days that saw innocent women burned or drowned or incarcerated. Today it's women's mental health and well-being these vipers drag down.

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Same! I can just about the recall breast feeding vs bottle feeding divide from the dark days when I had m daughter in 03 ! Terrifying women at times

Made me not want to leave home ! But that was mainly from my bleeding nips😣❤️ you do what you can and you do your best and you NEED SUPPORT not judgement!

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Mia you know what they say… “Opinions are like a*holes - everybody’s got one”! Shake it off sweet Mama…

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Oh Mia, I saw that video and could so relate. Our first grandchild Will was born about a month before Luna and I have done exactly the same things trying to settle him. Glad I didn’t post it!!! Everyone’s an expert, it’s amazing we managed to parent our own children and grow them into good people.

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I loved everything about this post. Back off sheriffs. Your input is not welcome :-)

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Love everything about this article.

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Women are so judgmental agains other women. This was a great piece, so funny, like, what would you know, who has managed to bring your children to adulthood without this 'helpful' advice. But isn't it a sad indictment that women still try and tear other women down and for some strange reason that I can't fathom, I think this builds up their own lack of self-confidence. I remember going back to work part time after the birth of my first and having a very young lady 'explain' to me all about photocopying, speaking to me like I was about 10...when I used to run the Managing Director's office as an EA. Now THAT knocked my self-esteem! Love reading your pieces and well done you (I've also just become a Grandparent, so I know where you're coming from!)

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Yes women are judgemental and it’s terrifying

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As a bloke, I just wouldn't dare, not even at home! Bloody cheek of some people!

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This. Now this is perfect Mia. Thank you for writing this. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I was reading those comments at the time.

Keep doing you Mia and please don’t kill the baby 😂

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The edging tone between the freedom to respond to low brow sass and showing almost high road restraint in this short (well documented) piece is... exhilarating 🤓😏

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Hello Mia, wow! I am sorry all this was said. I loved that little video at the time and I didn't notice any of those things (including the Monet!). I think the way you called out the negativity it was very appropriate. I feel like too much goes by without anyone saying anything...and how else do we learn to navigate this social media world with kindness? I also do not know who has the time to bother writing negative comments...I decided to make time for this comment on purpose because the negativity directed at you pissed me off and I think you are really great.

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