Disappointing to miss out on Pub Choir it is great (I have been to two) But Mia, Lise & Sarah’s Disco Club is coming to Sydney. There you will have the opportunity to sing power ballads all night long while dancing! So much more fun 😂 Also, that is one heck of a top shelf friendship group you have there. All women whose work I love.

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You one pull quote drew me. But I'm not sure it's only ADHD, I'm told I have PTSD and that puts me into flight/fear so quickly, I get angry quickly and back off quickly and don't tend to hold resentments. But my mouth has got me fired more than once, I've had this last job for 12 years but still managed to get fired from a side gig a year ago and I lost a faculty position because I went off on someone (this may sound arrogant but I was right). My whole life has been on the edge of a cliff, I've got quite a bit done, but if not for my children I would have probably killed myself. At university now I have recreated all my courses, redone testbanks, redone partnerships, written textbooks, all in some frenzied, mad frenetic maelstrom. I'm not normal, but this may sound weird, but I sortof don't mind the way I am . :). Okay, bye mysterious strangers that might never read this.

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I feel seen 😊

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So until the past month after having hip replacement surgery I’d never heard of Sally Hepworth but she has become a big part of my life with Audible and I’ve recommended her to anyone who cares to listen to me!

Reading that she is a friend of yours was like bumping into an old friend! She IS a New York Times bestselling authors and more people need to add her to their favourite writers!

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Example of the day. Just sent LARgE Zelle payment to the WRONG person

Like hastily while standing outside.

Now I’m tracking the person (a friendly .. not a super close friend) to “refund me.. Zelle me back” whatever & the checking account I use exclusively FOR Zelle is now like a wisp & the person who I MEANT to Zelle awaiting (albeit patiently) the large Zelle I owe him..


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Resonates. Relatable. Onwards 💗💗💗

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I've been diagnosed with ADHD, I'm 55, and on Vvanyse (blue pills, spelling). They help me, but more mood lifting, not so much on focus. I don't see ADHD as a huge weakness, I see it as at the heart of my identity, and tied to my creativity. I'm not sure about the intersection of depression or mood disorders with ADHD, but I have them too, and am on anti depressants. My self awareness is, I hope, fairly good and I know that I am impulsive, I have a horrible time even keeping my mind on one thing for a second, I'm quite disorganized, my office got complaints at my university (I'm an adjunct marketing professor at a mediocre uni), I can't be in the presence of another conversation without listening and have to leave if I'm going to get anything done.

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Yes! Story of my life…. And the guilt feelings of letting others down or not *performing* everyday tasks “adequately” is so real.

Once upon a prediagnosed time, my father said, “ for such an intelligent person you really make a lot of stuff ups”. That’s ADHD.

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