Happy with new format and good to get non-stuff reccos, eg, things to watch/read/listen to/do. Thanks Mia!

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Every time I read your writing I laugh out loud at least once & this time it was this line that got me: "I honestly don’t watch them, not because I’m better than anyone who does. Please. I’m worse than everyone, just in general." Thanks for your babbles, love reading this style of writing from you again!

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I actually snorted at that one too.

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Love a newsletter filled with recs so keep them coming!

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Loved it Mia! Something about the way you write and communicate resonates with me. It's all very real, and relatable. Can't wait for more Things 😊🌻

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I like it Mia!

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Perfect for me, this is my preferred mode of content delivery and the mixed recs are more interesting than just apparel/makeup etc

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Yes Mia, I love the sexy, six-ish email as it is quicker for me to read than watch and it is more real because you are not under pressure to do six

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Loved it ! Pleeeeease keep it going, even if it's monthly instead of weekly .xx

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Dear Mia, I’m an admirer of your: well in recent years since podcasts became my go to.

I’ve just joined the “Free Trial” as a paying subscriber. Despite having been unwell for about the past say 3 or so years. I’m currently unable to work….brain surgery, diagnosis of a hideous autoimmune disease, other medical problems that I won’t bore you with.

I just want to say that, obviously, because I’m not Working and I am one of those divorced women who lives alone; pays rent and has to be really strict (reluctantly) with my budget. Meaning There isn’t anything left at the end of each fortnight, for extras.

However, I feel because I love all things Mamamia: $5 a month is damn great value for money 💃🏽💃🏽

But the $5 isn’t why I’m writing this narrative. I

Just feel that your love of shopping and collecting (it always seems to be high end quality brands, which is a right you’ve earned)!

It’s just that therecommendations that follow,

leave me feeling quite down (I have a major depressive disorder anyway). Worsened of course due to my physical illnesses and

inability to earn an income.

I just wonder, if at all possible, you could ‘babble’ more for women who are financially insecure, who also love to read your recommendations but have zero ability to just go ahead and purchase one or many of your ‘new finds’.

It’s just a reminder to me of what I wish I was able to do.

I suppose this blurb of mine sounds like criticism

or envy (honestly I’ve never envied anyone in my life). I was/am a social worker and I know how tough the world can be for so many women/people. And, of course, everyone has their story. The tapestries of our lives are a culmination of pain, suffering, brokenness, joyous times and milestones celebrated: and even a sprinkle of magic thrown in. Envy is absolutely NOT MY THING.

I hope you read this as a humble suggestion and

not an underlying passive aggressive submission. Or, maybe the reality is that you don’t actually read these comments. I

hope that’s not the case.

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother.

I so related when you wrote about your “order on the totem pole”. Being the mother of 3 sons, all with very young children. I’ve found this both challenging and, at times rather soul destroying. I lost my only beautiful little daughter to illness when she was very young. I know in my chronically grieving heart, that my life as a

Grandmother would be very different if she

had lived 💔💔💔. In fact my whole adult life would be very very different.

I wish you nothing but blessings Mia, also much joyousness with lil Luca; AND…..NO BLOODY TROLLS!


Pauline x

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Feels more leisurely and authentic 👏👏👏

, loving the make your own magazine out of Substack x

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I've missed the babbles, it's like having someone else do the adhd stimming for me 😂

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It’s great to hear what you buy and your funny comments on things you babble about🙏💕

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I love things too, and your babble, Mia. Keep it coming!

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I’ve gone off Insta (even blocked it off my phone as no self control!!) so I love this format. Always enjoy your letters Mia!

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I like that you've brought it back with all around reccos, not just for stuff... and less pressure on counting whether you've got six things in or not! ;-) xo

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Always appreciated your insights, and last week bought a gift for a friend from a clothing company you’d promoted last year. Happy with whatever format. Easy to read or view, whenever suits. 😊🎁

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