I looked at these photos the other day & like you went down a bit of a rabbit hole to figure out when all the changes started happening because I think we all know it’s not the new hairstyle that makes her unrecognisable.

I do not care what woman choose to do their face & body but FFS, don’t act like you’ve had nothing done. Pretending like it’s a new hairstyle when it’s clearly a shitload of surgery is what shits me the most. Why won’t people own up to cosmetic surgery?! Because even though surgery is not for me I respect a person so much more when they say “ oh yeah, I’ve had x, y, x done”

It’s one of the reasons I love Kelly McClaren so much, nobody could be more honest & real than her about what surgeries she’s had. Why can’t more people be like Kelly?

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Mia Freedman

Yes I came across this foto and cudn’t believe it either. I understand of course y she is doing the plastic surg/fillers or watnot, she was the gal in the 90’s every guy was in love with or had a poster of on their wall. How cud she not equate her worth to everyone else’s admiration of her beauty. The only problem is plastic surgery is just that ‘fake’ and ends up being that we all look a version of some prototyped doll. This and AI, I really do worry about the authenticity of our future.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

OMG I'm in absolute shock!!! As an avid Party of 5 watcher back in the day I cannot believe this is JLH she doesn't look ANYTHING like she did and she was a beautiful, attractive woman just as she was!!! I showed my 10 year old son the first two photos and asked if he thought they were the same person and of course he answered no. Then I showed him the "after" photo and he still couldn't believe it and he has NO CLUE who JLH even is but what he did say was - she was so beautiful in the first photo. I do not get this "plastic" ideology at all!!!! She was an accomplished actress in her own right but now no one will even know it's her, NOTHING about her is even slightly recognisable, nothing!!!! It actually deeply saddens me this whole concept of body morphing so much so you don't even resemble in the slightest the person you were actually born as.....why???????

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